RAMALLAH-(BNEWS) – According to a statement by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), primary estimates for GDP at constant prices showed an increase of 1% in GDP in Palestine during the 2nd quarter 2022 compared to the 1st quarter 2022, mainly in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing by 7%, Mining, Manufacturing, Electricity and Water by 5%, Financial and Insurance Activities by 3%, Public Administration and Defense, Services by 2% for each.
Meanwhile, there was a decrease in Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles by 4%, and Construction by 3%.
The PCBS said that, on the other hand, it showed an increase of 3% in Palestine during the 2nd quarter 2022 compared to the 2nd quarter 2021 at constant prices, which excludes the seasonal effect, meanwhile the base year is 2015. GDP for the 2nd quarter 2022 at constant prices was USD 3,175 million for the West Bank and USD 684 million for Gaza Strip.
GDP per Capita for Palestine at constant prices was USD 765 during the 2nd quarter 2022, it showed an increase of 1% compared to the parallel quarter 2021. As for the West Bank it was USD 1,101 at constant prices during the 2nd quarter 2022, it showed a decrease by 0.1% during the 2nd quarter 2022 compared to the parallel quarter 2021, while for Gaza Strip it was USD 317 during the 2nd quarter 2022, and it showed an increase by 6% during the 2nd quarter 2022 compared to the parallel quarter 2021.